Friday, December 5, 2014

Take Action!

Life coach and nutritionist Tracy Herrington and exercise science expert and fitness trainer Garrett Stanley suggest getting educated is your best bet for achieving the healthy lifestyle you desire -- the right way.
            The first step in achieving your health goals is becoming educated. Herrington recommends visiting nutritionist Betsy Thurston to learn the science behind the foods you eat. Gaining a better understanding of the effects of what you put inside your body will help you to achieve your goals knowing the proper information.
Stanley also recommends becoming educated before beginning a regular workout plan. Completing a fitness evaluation will help you to see where your body is and help you to set realistic, specific goals.
Using a fitness trainer such as one from the personal training facility called Rapid Results to complete this evaluation will also help to inform you of proper form during exercises to prevent injury.
            Step two in taking action to achieve your desirable health is to make a game plan.
 Once you have grasped a better understanding of the information behind the nutrition and fitness you desire it is much easier to decide what and how you want to obtain your goals.
 Stanley recommends using a goal sheet such as the “Fitness that Fits” template that is attached for your workout goals.
Herrington also suggests that meal prep can play a huge role in your success. Make a meal plan at the beginning of each week or whenever it is convenient for you. Having the ingredients and meals prepared in advance will make the temptations to eating less healthy options much easier to resist. Determine your meals in advance and write them down in a food diary.
            Now that you are on the road to achieving your goals the final step in your “Action Plan” is to acknowledge your results. Hard work deserves recognition.
Stanley explains that being able to see his own progression serves as the best motivator. Feeling proud of what you have already accomplished will only push you to achieve even more.

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